To change the world, change your illusions | Minna Salami | TEDxBri...

From: chairmanohtv
This talk was given at a Brixton, London TEDx event in October 2014 and produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this talk, Minna Salami shares images of women from around the world, highlighting how out of touch the stereotypes are from reality. She tells powerful stories of her diverse grandmothers whose lives have shaped hers and of how images of African women in the West do not represent the experiences of her own friends and family. And how, very simply, African women like the same things as women everywhere. Minna Salami writes, speaks and advocates on a broad range of Africa, Diaspora and feminist issues. She writes the award-winning African feminist blog, MsAfropolitan, and is a member of the Duke University’s Global Educator Network as well as the Guardian’s (UK) Africa Network.
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